
Showing posts from November, 2017

Where in the OCM is Sister Grant Going?

I'd just like to start this email off with a scripture. Doctrine and Covenants chapter 38 verse 32:  32  Wherefore,  for  this  cause  I  gave  unto  you  the  commandment   that  ye  should  go  to  the  Ohio ;  and  there  I  will  give  unto y ou  my  law ;  and  there  you  shal l  be  endowed  with  power  from  o n  high; As you can tell I'M FINALLY GOING TO OHIO! Wap wap wap!  I'm headed to Akron   tomorrow   morning to serve in the Akron ward in the Akron North Area! YAY! My new companion will be Sister Bywater and coincidentally we already have a picture together! (picture #1) She is the very teeny tiny one! About 12 weeks ago we went on exchanges once in North Olmstead when our old companions were going to the trainer's meeting. I'm excited to go to Akron! Sister Reddish says it is the best stake in the OCM and I'll take her word for it!  I will miss Youngstown A TON! I really love this place. So many great things have happened here a

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! This week has been AWESOME!  We had zone conference and that was just the best! We talked about the Book of Mormon and the Spirit was so strong in the room! The book is true! and we talked about Light The World! I'M SO EXCITED THAT I'M ON MY MISSION FOR LIGHT THE WORLD!  We have TWO dinner appointments :) It's so great! Thanksgiving isn't as fun as when we're at home, but I'm making the best of it! It is hard being away on a holiday.  Sister Bills asked me to send her some mission experiences for the ward history.. IDK what to say.. Nothing too major happened this week it was just a real good week. LOVE YOU ALL!  Hope yins have a good week! Also, you should all look at this.  also go look at this!  #LighttheWorld Love, Sister Grant


This week has been so great! The gospel of Jesus Christ can touch people and it is so awesome to see! We were able to meet with Jenn this week and it was a total miracle! We had an appointment planned with Perry and Chloe Palmer (member) was going to come. Perry canceled like 20 minutes before we were suppose to be there.. so lame.. but Chloe was already on her way because she lives like the farthest away from us she could. So we told her to meet us at the library instead of Perry's house. We went to visit Shawnee, but she wasn't home so we went to see if Jenn was home AND SHE WAS! She let us in and we were able to teach her the Plan of Salvation. The best thing was that we asked if she had the opportunity to pray about the Book of Mormon and she said she did and then that night when she was in bed she closed her eyes and she saw the word YES flash in front of her eyes and she felt the Spirit so strong. She said she was so excited she couldn't sleep! She had remembere

Happy Week! All is Well.

Sister Winsor and I after Trunk or Treat Happy late Halloween! And HAPPY NOVEMBER! How is it already November!? Time flies! I've had a very happy week :) We had a trunk or treat and chili cook off with the ward and it was SO MUCH FUN! David came and he had a great time! We started the lessons over with him and will be seeing him tomorrow :) It was so much fun to be with the ward! Bishop Carl is the funniest man I've ever met in my life! He told us how he used to dress up in black and put a light in a pumpkin and scare his kids by running around in the dark with the glowing pumpkin doing the "Magic Pumpkin Dance." He is so hilarious! The ward got some changes this week. Brother Betts and Sister Betts are leaving this week :( saddest news of my life.. But we're having dinner with them tomorrow so it's okay! But Brother Betts got released from the bishopric and Brother Houser got called to be in the Bishopric as the 1st Counselor which meant