Where in the OCM is Sister Grant Going?

I'd just like to start this email off with a scripture. Doctrine and Covenants chapter 38 verse 32: 
32 Wherefore, for this cause gave unto you the commandment  that ye should go to the Ohioand there will 
give unto you my lawand there you shalbe endowed with power from ohigh;

As you can tell I'M FINALLY GOING TO OHIO! Wap wap wap! I'm headed to Akron tomorrow morning to serve in the Akron ward in the Akron North Area! YAY! My new companion will be Sister Bywater and coincidentally we already have a picture together! (picture #1) She is the very teeny tiny one! About 12 weeks ago we went on exchanges once in North Olmstead when our old companions were going to the trainer's meeting. I'm excited to go to Akron! Sister Reddish says it is the best stake in the OCM and I'll take her word for it! 

I will miss Youngstown A TON! I really love this place. So many great things have happened here and I'm grateful for my 6 months I got in this nut house! 

For Thanksgiving we went to the Shirley's. Brother Shirley is our ward mission leader and his brother is also Brother Shirley and their mom is Sister McMurray and she is 103 years old. She is SO CUTE! And she can hear like nothing, but it's okay because they all just shout in her ears. It's hilarious! We took a picture with them. (pic 2)

(Pic 3) Sister Winsor and I with Becky (the little one) and Nikki. I love them! We had to push Nikki's baptism date because she hasn't quit smoking yet, but she will soon! She wants to be baptized on her mom's birthday which is January 5th! She can totally do it! Keep her in your prayers. Unfortunately I won't be able to update you. I'll miss Nikki so much! 

(Pic 4) Cute Vivian! I WILL MISS HER SO MUCH! We helped her put up her Christmas decorations this week. She is so cute! 

I really love this place and I'm gonna miss it with all my heart, but I am so excited to experience Ohio! 

Love yins so much! Thank you for all of your support! 
Love, Sister Grant


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