
Showing posts from December, 2017

Christmas Skype

We had such a great visit with Adri on Christmas Day. She is doing well. We were able to visit with her companion, Sister Bywater, for a second. Adri is currently serving in the Akron area. She is in a very wealthy area and is missing the "humble people" of Youngstown. She says there is a lot of work to do and she anxious to do it. The Stake President lives in her area and is a great example of missionary work. One of the best moments was when Adri and Katy (Sister Grant in New Zealand) were "together" for about 30 minutes. They had a great time talking and catching up. That was a sweet moment. For a brief time we were together as a family. Fantastic!!! So grateful that Adri has had the opportunity to grow, learn, and serve in Ohio. Can't wait to catch up again on Mother's Day.

Merry Christmas!

What up fam? Akron is going good! It's been a good week! We found a new investigator named Melonie. A convert in our ward referred her to us because he said the church would pay for her dog to be trained. Unfortunately we had to tell her "no", but she was open to hearing how we could help her spiritually! We taught her the Restoration and it went so well! I'm excited! We also had Christmas zone conference  on Friday  and it was so much fun! I loved it so much! We just sang lots of songs. My zone sang a cool version of Away in a Manger and Sister Stout played the violin with it. And then the sisters sang Gethsemane and I sang the alto part! It was fun! I saw so many friends at zone conference and it was the best day ever! I FINALLY SAW BAILEE! It was the happiest moment! I was walking into the church and she came running out and I was so excited! We ate next to each other and talked about home and it was so fun to finally have the OCM Westward Hos togeth


It has finally snowed in the great state of Ohio. That means it finally feels like Christmas! YAY! We did service this week! I LOVE SERVICE! Any opportunity we get to wear the yellow service shirt (or the nifty vest that I'm wearing in one of the pictures) I jump at! I love doing service! We first of all went to the food bank and it was so much fun! We labeled boxes and wrapped the stack of boxes in that clear plastic stuff.. I can't remember what it is called... We do it as a district once a week and I'M SO EXCITED TO GO AGAIN! We also helped a member clean her house. It was just really messy not really dirty so that was nice. It was actually kinda fun! We're gonna go back and do it again because we just barely dented the mess with the three hours we spent there.  We've been able to contact a few potential investigators this week and hopefully we will be able to meet with them soon! Please pray that we will be able to meet with Austin! Thank you

Sister Grant takes on Akron

Hello everyone! First things first, Lebron James is in my area, so basically Sister Bywater and I are gonna baptize him. JK he has gates around his house.  Akron is going good! There is like nothing happening here yet, but we're gonna get things going! Woo hoo! It's a good ward and like everyone is from the west. They all know where St. Anthony is. I'm been asked about the Sand Dunes so many time! It's been fun!  My new comp is super sweet. She is obsessed with Star Wars, so sometimes we talked about the like three things I know about it. haha! But she's great!  I'm happy and I'm healthy!  LOVE YOU ALL!  Love,  Sister Grant My new address is  48 Manor Rd Apt B Akron, OH 44313 (if you're gonna send something for Christmas or anytime just send it here. We won't get anything sent to the mission office until like January)