
Showing posts from August, 2017

Best Exchange Ever

On an exchange with Sister Jenkins. The house of many children. It has been a really good week! Even though we kinda got dropped by Perry. That was sad, but we're trying to see what we can do.  We went on exchanges yesterday and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I was with Sister Jenkins again! It was her last exchange because she goes home and transfers are next week. It will be so sad to see her go. She was Sister Reddish's trainer so she is my grandma. She gave me an ugly floral shirt that she's worn throughout her mission and I feel so honored! But it was so fun to be with her. She is super great at talking to people and she is such a great example to me. We visited a lot of their less actives while I was there and we visited this one family who has 4 kids and then they take in their neighborhood kids - so so many kids were at their house while we were teaching about service! It was so loud and chaotic, but when we started to teach about service it was really good and

Pranks and Rainstorms

Hello Everyone, This week has been a normal week for missionary work. Finding, finding, finding. It's been good though! There have been some funny things that happened this week. Last Thursday we were at a member meal with Jennell and Bill Chapman. We were going to teach Jennell the Gospel of Jesus Christ because she is a recent convert, but then right when we got started sirens started to go off and Jennell's phone was making all sorts of noises.  We were all like, "What the heck!?" Turns out that they were tornado/ storm sirens!! So first of all Sister Reddish and I were excited! Then we were a little scared because the Chapmans started telling us scary stories about tornadoes and they were telling us what to do if a tornado is coming (get in a room with no windows, a basement, a bathroom, a shower, put a mattress over yourself in case stuff falls on you; if you're outside get in a ditch, etc.). So they told us we should probably leave so we could get h

Another Week. A Good One Though

Alma Avenue Hello Everyone! 1 month ago: Brother S. kept inviting himself to Leon's lessons even though he had told him just days before that he was cursed because he is black.. I was so mad at Brother S. 2 months ago: I  met Leon! And I met the Nichols (a family in the ward that is from SE Idaho). They have 5 crazy boys and I love them! This week has gone well! Sister Reddish was sick because she puked after we ate a whole pie together ... bad idea and we're never doing that again. But we had a great lesson with Perry! He hasn't had coffee  in 2 weeks  and committed to read the BOM starting from the beginning! Keep Perry in your prayers because he has a baptism date for  September 2 nd hard things always happen then. He's had a billion dates, but this time he seems pretty solid! We also had a great lesson with Leon on temples and family history and we're going to do family history with him  tomorrow  at the church! I'm excited for that! 

All the Awkwardness

Ohio Cleveland Mission visit with Elder Uchtdorf  Hello Everyone! T his week was super good! We found three new investigators! We found Cameron (a guy in his twenty's prob) because Sister Reddish is so inspired! We had been tracting on a street and everyone was mean and it was the worst street ever but before we went back to our apartment to change (we were gonna do service for David R.) we wanted to do one more house so we drove and saw a house that was kinda far away from all the others and went and knocked and Cameron answered. We taught him the Restoration, then, because that is what PMG says to do and that's what we've been trying to do, he invited us back! It was really awesome! I think he has ADD though, He has a hard time staying focused, but he is a good person!   Also we taught Fishing David again this week. HE IS SO SO SO SO PREPARED!! But we found out he is on parole until 2023 (bwa bwa bwaaa). He robbed a bank in 2009, but he knows it was wrong

It's Short

Hello everyone!  I don't have a ton of time this week, but I'll write a short little email :) We've been tracting and tracting and most of the people have been nice to us! In one neighborhood we came across Alma Ave. We thought it was destiny! We know a prophet named Alma!! But we tracted every house and no one was interested, but they were nice so that was a blessing hah! We took a picture by it but I lost the cord to my camera so.. I can't send them this week!  Sister Sw..'s birthday was this week so we went and visited her. It was fun! She bought a cake for us to eat with her and then she gave us her food that she wasn't eating which included canned meat.. we threw it all away :) She is a less active and is pretty cray. She has eyes that look in two different directions and Sister Reddish and I can't tell who she is looking at. She was telling us about how her sister called her the morning of her birthday and this is what she said, &quo