
This week has been so great! The gospel of Jesus Christ can touch people and it is so awesome to see!

We were able to meet with Jenn this week and it was a total miracle! We had an appointment planned with Perry and Chloe Palmer (member) was going to come. Perry canceled like 20 minutes before we were suppose to be there.. so lame.. but Chloe was already on her way because she lives like the farthest away from us she could. So we told her to meet us at the library instead of Perry's house. We went to visit Shawnee, but she wasn't home so we went to see if Jenn was home AND SHE WAS! She let us in and we were able to teach her the Plan of Salvation. The best thing was that we asked if she had the opportunity to pray about the Book of Mormon and she said she did and then that night when she was in bed she closed her eyes and she saw the word YES flash in front of her eyes and she felt the Spirit so strong. She said she was so excited she couldn't sleep! She had remembered Sister Winsor telling her about how she felt the Spirit when she learned the Book of Mormon was true and she was so excited to feel what Sister Winsor had been talking about! IT WAS SO GREAT!

Also on Sunday the Scheitinger's were signed up to feed us! (yay!) Sister Winsor and I were running a little behind though.. typical.. We showed up like 10 minutes late and right when we pulled into their driveway we got a text from Sister Scheitinger that said they had picked up Nikki, Becky, and Katie for dinner. Those are our investigators! They had picked them up and brought them to dinne.! I cried a little because that was just such a happy moment! We were able to have dinner with them all and it was awesome!

Becky and Nikki came to church again this week! (Yay!) They thought it was good! Nikki even volunteered in Relief Society to bring lights for the Young Women to use. It was so awesome! Nikki is progressing super well right now. To reach her baptism date on the 16th of December she needs to be done smoking by Saturday. She's already cut down two and a half packs, but this last half will be hard. She got a blessing on Sunday and is determined to do it. I have no doubt that she'll be able to! Will you please keep her in your prayers? Thank you!

This week was awesome! I hope all of yours were too!

Thank you for all of your prayers, letters, and love!

Love, Sister Grant
Pic 1: Sister Winsor and I ended up watching the Veteran's Day parade in Sharon. It was fun, but coldy!
Pic 2: Sister Winsor, Michaela Sumpman (a laurel in the Y-town ward), and me! 
Pic 3: Sister Winsor and me!


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