Adam's Baptism! :D

Hello friends and family, This week was so, so, so wonderful! We saw like a billion miracles this week! #1 HIGHLIGHT OF THE WHOLE WEEK! ADAM EMMENDORFER WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO WONDERFUL! His kids were there and it was so great. Happiest moment!! He was so stoked. And he's so ready and he bore his testimony and it was so sweet! It's been so amazing to watch his testimony of the gospel grown these past weeks. It's been incredible to witness! He also was c onfirmed on Sunday and it was so wonderful. He invited so many people to his baptism. He had so many friends and family there! It was awesome! We've started teaching his friend Darren. Adam has completely changed his life in the past year. One year ago he didn't even believe in God and now he is a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Adam is the bomb. I'm so glad he's my family! We had cookie splits Thursday night. We went to visit the first person on our list and we knocked...