So Many Miracles!

Hello everyone!
This week was so good! I can't believe it's already Monday again! I swear time doesn't exist. It's so crazy! 
Sister Pierce and I have seen some good things this week!
We had zone conference and it was so good! First off, let me just say, I LOVE PRESIDENT AND SISTER CLEVELAND SO MUCH! And this zone conference was bomb because President Cleveland's mom came and spoke to us! She is such a small little old lady and she talked to us about her life and how the gospel has blessed her and her family. She talked to us about enduring to the end and having a Christ centered life. She is amazing and it was amazing to hear from her! I also bore my departing testimony. I literally want to be a missionary forever. Obvs, I won't be a full-time one forever, but I always want to share my testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel because I know it's true. Everyone needs to hear it. Living the Gospel and following Christ's modern-day apostles and prophets is the only way to find true joy! This week in my studies I read about Ammon in Alma 27 and how sharing the gospel and living the gospel brought him so much joy! 16 And it came to pass that as Ammon was going forth into thland, that he and his brethren met Alma, over in the place of which has been spoken; and behold, this was joyful meeting.
17 Now the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea,he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his strength; and he fell again to the earth.
18 Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.
19 Now the joy of Alma in meeting his brethren was truly great,and also the joy of Aaron, of Omner, and Himni; but beholtheir joy was not that to exceed their strength.
I love how it says, "humble seeker of happiness." The happiness and joy that comes from the gospel isn't flashy, but it's the most worth it. We can only find it through Jesus Christ's gospel that was restored through Joseph Smith. My testimony of the restoration is solid and that's because I've seen it bless people lives over and over again in PA, OH, and MI. I'm so grateful.
Let me tell you about some miracles! 
Adam. Adam is such a miracle! He was a referral a good while ago for a Book of Mormon and Sister Whitaker and Sister Pierce were doing cookie splits and the family didn't answer but they looked on the map on ABP and they saw Adam's name! They went and delivered a Book of Mormon to him and were in contact for a little bit, but then he was pretty unresponsive. Sister Pierce and I decided to stop by him last Sunday and we invited him to the Roseville Book of Mormon class on Tuesday and he said he wanted to come but he was pretty nervous! We told him not to be and he said he would come! We pulled into the church parking lot on Tuesday and we saw his truck! I almost lost my marbles! He told us he had been listening to the Book of Mormon since Sunday and he was in the Book of Ether! ETHER! And he loved it! We read 3 Nephi 11 with the class and one of Roseville West's friends was there. She asked a question about the Book of Mormon and Adam said that he had the same question and told her how he found an answer to it! He basically straight up bore his testimony to her of how he felt about the Book of Mormon! We met with him this past week and taught him the Restoration and he totally understood everything! He's been reading the Book of Mormon on the Gospel Library app and LOVES IT! He has prayed and he knows it's true! He also knows that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet! He related really well with him and he told us last night that he is so grateful for what he's learned so far and he can't wait for more! I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father prepares people and puts them in our path so we can help them live the Gospel of Jesus Christ! He also has two children and I cannot wait to meet them! Also he has a wiener dog named Burrito! How cute is that??

Tricia and Christian. They are also such miracles! Tricia is Angela and Linda's (recent converts in the Canton ward) family members! They told us they were going to Tricia's on Saturday and asked us if we would come over and share the Restoration with her, so of course we were like YEAH! We went over and Tricia's son, Christian, listened to the Restoration too. It was an incredible lesson. The Spirit was so strong as Linda and Angela bore their testimonies. Tricia and Christian came to church with us yesterday too! They enjoyed it even though it was different than what they have known and they are going to come again!  
So many miracles this week. SO much joy! 
Here in the Detroit area a few wards do clothing distributions for people. Clothes are sent from DI and stuff and we get to give them to people here! We helped with that this weekend and it was so cool! Sister Pierce and I were able to testify to a lot of people about the Book of Mormon and we did it and it was amazing! There are a lot of people here who do not have easy lives. A lot of these families live of the street and didn't have enough warm clothes so Sister Pierce and I helped find warm clothes for the people we met! It was crazy there was hundreds of people at the church looking through piles of clothes! It was nuts! I LOVED IT!
Love yins!
Love, Sister Grant
Here is my address:

29685 Utica Rd Apt 202 Bldg. C Roseville, MI 48066


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