The Miracles Haven't Stopped!

Wow! What an amazing week Sister Pierce and I had! We have witnessed so many of the Lord's blessings!

Tricia and Christian brought their friend Louy to church and we've started teaching him. 
Christian knows the Book of Mormon is true!!!!!! I love those 3 people so much and all of their dogs!

Adam came to church!! The ward LOVED him! He loved church! We taught him the Word of Wisdom and he threw away everything that would stop him from living it! He's been studying the Book of Mormon everyday and probably gets more out of his studies than I do! 

We love Adam so much! (By we I mean all 7 missionaries serving in this ward!) We stand by the front doors and greet people before sacrament meeting starts every Sunday and when he walked through the church doors on Sunday, we all shouted, "ADAM!" at the same time! He's just so cool! We will probably get to meet his kids this week!!!!! 

We started teaching Kelly. She's  Adam's daughter-in-law. Her son was baptized just a couple months ago and she wants to be baptized too! 

Marcus, a recent convert in this ward, went out yesterday and was able to bring the sacrament to people. He called us and he was so happy! He said, "I wanna break dance." and when Marcus says he wants to break dance you know he's happy! 

SO much good is happening! I'm so thankful!

Also I got to go to the temple this week for my departing temple trip! I love the temple so much! ❤
Love, Sister Grant

1. Sister Pierce and I had to go back to Bloomfield to pick up something I left so we stopped by Yolanda and I was able to say goodbye ❤
2. Sister Rice and me at our departing temple trip
3. Sister Pierce, Sister Bretz, and Sister Anderson!
4. Marcus ❤


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