Great Week!

Hello mi familia!

This week has been great! We went to the temple last Wednesday and man, oh man, I LOVE THE TEMPLE! We did an endowment session and a bunch of initiatory sessions and it was so great. I just love the temple so much and the best things are inside that will help us be with Heavenly Father and our Savior and our families forever! There is nothing greater than that! 

Also we did service at a member's farm and we found kittens there! They were sooooo cute! I died! 

Also MLC (Missionary Leadership Counsel) was this week and that was bomb! It was so great to be able to counsel with all the leaders of the OCM! I was able to see so many people I loved too! What a blessing! Also it's super fun because we get to carpool with the zone leaders from the Toledo Stake. We all get to party it up in the mini van! That's what we drive. It turned 10,000 miles this week. It's so much fun! It was a blast, but it was weird being in a car with so many boys again! MLC was so great though! We talked about what we want to do with this next transfer and how we can further the work and there are going to be some great things happening! Yay!

Also Sister Bullock and I went to visit a former investigator. His name is Gene. He was going to give us a bike.  To try it out, he gave me a pair of overalls that were cut off to be shorts to wear under my skirt. I naturally put them on! Missions make you do weird things! hah! I love Ohio!

Brother Viola was released from the branch presidency, but was called to be the Elder's Quorum President in the Bowling Green Ward! So I'll still be able to work with him again! I got a picture with him though. He's super kind! 

Hope yins have a great week!
Love, Sister Grant

I love Ohio!

Sister Bullock and I chilling in the mini van

Elder Viola (from Grandma and Grandpa's mission)
The Sisters with President and Sister Brown

A full mini van


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