Conference is the Bomb


What a great week it has been! Let me tell you about it!

So we have been talking to a ton of people everyday at Oakland University! It's such a great place to serve! People are always willing to talk once; the second time is the struggle but there are some elect people there. We are finding them! 

I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE! I'm so grateful that we have a prophet on the earth today. I'm grateful for the priesthood and that it's been restored and is in our church. I'm grateful that Jesus Christ leads our church and is the source of all truth. I'm grateful that through Him we can change instantly; we can repent everyday. I'm so grateful to have been able to come to the Michigan Detroit Mission and learn about repentance, charity, and so much more. This place is the best and I never want to leave! 

Two hour church is gonna be so good! I am so excited for "family centered, church supported" gospel learning! What a blessing! I'm so excited that we are being asked to be more spiritually self-reliant. That's something I'm really grateful to have learned on my mission is that I have to grow my own testimony and I'm so grateful that some many people in my life support it and strengthen it. I know this gospel is true. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's church restored to the earth. I testify we have a prophet on the earth today and that he is super bomb and inspired! 

We watched Conference at a senior missionary couple's home on Saturday. We had our preparation day Saturday so we chilled with them all day! It was like being at my grandparents. ❤ We were able to have a lot of fun with them. Sister Bretz and I have been going through old teaching records and we found one for Steven. We called him and he said he would come watch conference. He came for the Saturday afternoon session. IT WAS SWEET! He told us he is actually a member and was baptized four-ish years ago in Lansing, MI and he just moved back from Boise area! #Idahome He hasn't gone to church in a super long time and we called at a 'convenient' time. BUT we know there are no coincidences! We are doing the Lord's work and He wanted us to call Steven so we did. He was so great! And he wants to come back to church! ❤❤ 

We also started teaching a lady named Teresa. We were gonna go to the Patrick's home for Sunday Conference (President Patrick is our branch president), but Bishop Wirthlin (Bloomfield Hills ward bishop) texted us and said something like "hey sisters, can you come watch conference at the church? There is a homeless lady here and it would make my life easier." So we were like sure! So we met Teresa. She's homeless and came to the church because she wanted to find who her dad was (family history center). She is super sweet and we started teaching her! That was cool to watch conference with her! I love this place! 
Sorry I've sent some lame emails lately! FORGIVE ME! ðŸ˜Š I plan on being better! 
Also we had MLC this week! That was bomb! I saw Sister Rice and I'm so excited to go to BYUI with her! ❤

Also we spent Friday in Detroit! YAY! We did a service project called Life Remodeled. We cleaned up some neighborhoods and it was such a good experience. I love service! Service makes me happy! I want to do service forever so let me know if I can do service for any of you. Seriously. 

Sister Bretz and I talked two ladies named Monica, and Shawn (her name was longer but I can't remember so she told us to call her Shawn). Monica has a little baby named Donica. Shawn showed us all of the murals she has painted inside her home and they were both so kind. We were able to testify of the Book of Mormon to them. I testify it's true and by reading it and living it we will all be a happier people! 

Love yins! If you haven't watched conference yet I invite you all to watch at least one talk! IT WILL MAKE YOU SO HAPPY! I promise that!

Love, Sister Grant

1-4. Life Remodeled
5. Exchanges with Roseville ❤ I love Sister Pierce and Sister Whitaker
6. Lucien at the temple ❤


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