Holy Heat Wave

Hello Fam!

Shout out to Erin and Matt! Congratulations on the wedding! I wish I could have been there, but just know I was there in spirit :) 

Another shout out to Brianne Marie Nelson who leaves on her mission in less than a week! Cray man! You'll be the best cutest missionary ever!

This week has been RIDICULOUSLY hot! I hear you are all freezing in Idaho (aka the Promised Land) and we're melting! It has been in the high 80s and even up into the 90s.. It's okay though! I really don't mind too much! It's suppose to start cooling down tomorrow we hear so that's really nice!  The coats and boots are PERFECT! 

This week the reoccurring thought that has been going through my head is "you reap what you sow" and so the one Shawn Mendes song has been stuck in my head.. anyway.. You for sure see more blessings the harder you work. I've been able to see that this week!

First off we had an awesome district meeting. I love love love district meetings and this one was really cool! We talked about power and authority that comes from being a missionary. Elder Beck (our dorky district leader that I think is the funniest and he plays the ukulele) said that we have the authority but it's up to us to get the power! I've been thinking about that a lot and about being a consecrated missionary. Sister Winsor is good for me because she is very obedient! She's a great example to me! 

We also picked up a new investigator named Shawnee and she is real cute! She's 24 and has a 3 year old daughter named Jordan. She has had some tough situations, but we just know so much that the gospel can help her so much! She's really sweet. Hopefully she starts progressing. 

Also we went to the Stoots' this past week and it was nice to meet them. They are a part-member family. Sister Stoots is a member but isn't very active. They have a super busy life, but there is so much potential there! We had a lesson last night at their house with just Sister Stoots and her 16 year old son Hunter and Brother Palmer came with.  It was so awesome! Brother Palmer is their home teacher and we shared the Mormon Message "Mountains to Climb" and then talked about faith and it was super awesome! You all should go watch that video. It's just so great!

Also Sister Winsor got me sick this week. Not on purpose! I guess that's just what happens when you are with a person 24 hours a day.  Last night it hit me. I am feeling pretty terrible, but not unbearable. I am just exhausted. Luckily it's preparation day, but at the same time I don't wanna be sick on preparation day! That's so dumb!

It's gonna be a good week! General Conference is this weekend and I am STOKED! It's gonna be so good! It's such a blessing to have a prophet on the earth today and how we have to opportunity to hear from the apostles and prophet. I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED! Then we have exchanges on Monday night/Tuesday and then on Wednesday we're going to the temple with the zone leaders and Brother Thibideau! On Thursday we have Zone Conference! It's gonna be a great week! 

I love you all so much!

Love, Sister Grant


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