The Best News

I AM FINALLY DESIGNATED DRIVER!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I just got my Tiwi card today! woop woop! Sister Winsor is happy too because she hates driving! Don't worry everyone I will take care of the precious cargo that is my companion. I will drive safely. 

I honestly cannot remember what happened this week except for exchanges.. If I didn't write in my journal every night I wouldn't remember anything that has happened on my mission. Sorry if this email is lame. 

Sister Reddish and I drove to Kirtland Wednesday morning. I was sad the whole time but it's fine because we distracted ourselves by singing songs by One Direction. Then Sister Reddish went to the trainer's meeting and I chilled with Sister Warren (yay!) and Sister Winsor (my new comp) and like a thousand other missionaries. It was a good time! Then Sister Reddish and I had to say goodbye after we ate at Panera and I bawled like a little baby. I miss her a lot. I've only cried like 4 times since saying goodbye but it's all good! Sister Winsor is really awesome! She is an awesome missionary and I have a lot to learn from her! I'm excited about this transfer! 

I hope you all have a great week! LOVE YOU ALL!

 Sister Grant


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