Toledo Zoo and Detroit MLC


What a great week I had! Here are some highlights!

First off, HAPPY LATE 4TH OF JULY! We went to the Toledo zoo! It was a great time! It's also an aquarium! I LOVE FISH! Also I fed a giraffe and saw an elephant!!!!!! Basically it was the best day of my life so far. I love the 4th of July! 

We also went to good ole Michigan this week for MLC! That was so great! I saw Sister Rice! She's a family friend from home and now we're in the same mish! Cool stuff! 

Tyler is on date to be baptized on September 8th! We think we're going to have to push Dan's date for baptism back. He really desires to know the church is true but has had a hard time receiving and recognizing an answer. He has a lot of deep concerns and questions. Please keep Dan in your prayers to understand and recognize and to have faith in the truth. Thank you! 

We went on exchanges yesterday with the Toledo sisters. We love them so much! I went with Sister Denham again! I really love her so much! I'm so grateful for the people I've met on my mission! We had a great time and took an investigator, Brandon, on a church tour and it was so great! We took Grandma Pat and Michael and they were such good fellowship! 

LOVE YOU ALL! Yins have a blessed week!
Love yins, Sister Grant

ps. I think I've written my address wrong on some of the letters I've sent people (true story) so here is the right one.. :)

Pic 1. Exchanges
Pic 2. Toledo at MLC
Pic 3. Toledo after MLC 
Pic 4. I love my compy 
Pic 5. Happy 4th from the Bowling Green district 
Pic 6. Jessica Rice aka Sister Rice and me!
Pic 7. Literally feeding a giraffe (How jealous are you Mckenna? 😉)
Pic 8. Elephants! ❤🐘


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