First Transfer, Few Kisses, and a Miracle

The district and twinner clothes

Hello Everyone!

First things first, HAPPY PIONEER DAY! We didn't do anything here, but it was nice to think that people were celebrating at home :) Those floats in the parade are amazing! Also that bike ride sounds so fun! I wanna go on bike rides with you all after I get home. Was it difficult? Where was it at? Have you been to Yellowstone at all? 
I love thinking about Denny's hahaha! There is one on the main road here in Hermitage and every time we drive or walk by all I can think is, "I hate eggs." hahahahah!! I love that memory!! Also I literally laughed out loud as I read that story about Buddy and the earwigs! YUCK! We were talking to our investigator David this last week and we were talking about bugs and I said that I think earwigs are the worst bugs ever to exist and he didn't know what they were. I thought there would be loads of them here because there are loads or corn! But I am glad that there isn't they're so freaky!! 

Mom, that thing you heard at church on Sunday reminds me of part of Preach My Gospel and it is in a chapter that talks about preparing lessons and it says that we should think about what we want the person to KNOW, FEEL, and DO. So it's kind of the other side of what you heard :)  

We have avoided as many kisses as possible this week but still I got kissed twice. But Denny has officially moved so none from him! 

I cannot believe that I've already made it through my first transfer! These past 6 weeks have totally flown by! We had our last district meeting with everyone, so there is a picture of that. Also I heard that some sisters in my zone were training this transfer so I hope that Sister Parker comes to the Youngstown Zone! THAT WOULD BE THE BEST THING EVER!!! She flies here, to the OCM, today and then I probably won't know where she is for a while but I hope I see her as soon as possible! 

This week has all mushed together into one day in my mind, so I'm really having to think about what happened and what to put in this letter! We have contacted a lot and everyone has been really nice and we've met some potential investigators so that's been good. Also we had a member dinner this week with our ward mission leader and he lives in Greenville. That is pretty far away from where we live, so since we don't make it out there that often we decided to go to some part member families up there. We decided to visit the Patrick family and the mom, Angela, is a member and no one else is but they used to take the lessons so we decided to give them a try. We went to their house and knocked on their door and they let us right in and were so excited to see us! They had just been talking earlier that day about giving us and call. It was so awesome! So we asked them if they wanted to take the lessons again and they said yes! It was such a miracle! It was just so awesome! We're meeting with them again tomorrow. So yay! David came to church on Sunday! It was so great!
Also this week Sister Reddish got a package and her mom had sent her a new skirt and it matches one of my dresses! So obviously we wore them so we could match. It was fun! 

I love you all! I hope you all have a great week! Thanks for being the best! Remember God loves you!

Love, Sister Grant​


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