Elder Snow and Meetings

This week was full of lots of miracles and wonderfulness! 

First things first, because it was the most exciting, yesterday we had zone conference with half of our mission! We all went up to the mission office and had the opportunity to hear from our mission leader (President and Sister Brown and the APs) and also the opportunity to learn from Elder Snow from the Quorum of the Seventy and his wife Sister Snow. It was so great! The Assistants talked to us about following the safeguards for using technology. And that was wonderful and informative and great! Sister Brown talked to us about being truly converted to the Gospel and how we can help other become truly converted as well. President Brown talked to us about something we've been talking about as a mission for a while now; creating a mission culture of miracles. It was really cool this time though because he talked about how we create that culture! He shared Matthew 22:36-39 (aka the two great commandments) which reads, "Master, which is the great commandment in the law?Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." I recently gave a talk on the two great commandments and it really hit home that if we're doing all we can to show our love to God we're going to show love for others too and that will help us work hard and see miracles! I love President and Sister Brown and I'm so sad to say goodbye to them. This was the second to last time I'll see them probably and I got a little teary eyed but I told myself I couldn't cry so I sucked the tears back in! I'm just so grateful for all of the wonderful things that President and Sister Brown have taught me. They're so wonderful and love them so much! Then we were able to hear from Sister Snow and she talked about the hymn "Go Forth with Faith" and what a bomb guy Nephi was and she was very kind and sweet. Elder Snow was so cool to listen to! He talked to us about public speaking and really helped us all with our teaching skills! It was so great! And Elder Snow talked about faith and how that brings success. It was so great! He talked to us about how we can help our investigators be truly converted and how we can have success and have miracles. We talked a lot about having faith to find! Finding is so good! I love to go tracting! Also talked about getting members more involved. Members play a key role in missionary work! Go talk to the missionaries in your ward and tell them you want to help! Talk to those they're teaching because it's just so much better when members help you out! 

Also we had MLC (our leadership training) basically right after zone conference. #meetingsfordayz Elder Snow stayed for that too and we were able to just ask questions to him and President Brown. We talked a lot about heloing those we look over and how we set the example of how the mission will go. We talked a lot about good exchanges! It was so great! 

We drove back to Bowling Green that last night after MLC and didn't get home until 9:30! It was a long great day! 
Unfortunately I've done terrible at writing in my journal the past week so... I'm not sure exactly what happened! But I do know it was good and I loved it! 

Oh! Here is BIG NEWS! We had a big mission conference call Saturday at 2:00 and we learned that the dissolving of our mission has been changed! The Toledo stake and the Cleveland stake will be part of the Michigan Detroit Mission and the Youngstown, Kirtland, and Akron stakes will be in the Columbus mission. It's actually pretty exciting though because I'll most likely be in the Michigan Detroit Mission and Jessica Rice (shout out to the Rice fam and Sister Rice!) is in that mission! How coolio is that!? It's also funny because the mission president's name is President Cleveland! So funny!

We've done a lot of tracting this week and we've been able to teach a lot of Resorations. This area is super receptive to that. We can't retain them too good though.. Lot's of people want to hear the first message but then they just drop off the face of the earth or something! 

Love yins!
Love, Sister Grant


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