I'm Here

I'm finally in the Ohio Cleveland Mission!! I flew in last Tuesday afternoon. We went to the mission home and met President and Sister Brown. They're so sweet, but I'm intimidated my them ... but its okay! Everyone says they're awesome! I believe them! We ate a delicious dinner there and then we had interviews with President Brown and a testimony meeting and then we went to bed early. It was so nice to go to bed because I woke up at 2:30 that morning. 

The next morning we got up early and went to Kirtland. It was such an amazing experience to go there. Did you know that Kirtland has been said that it will be lifted up again? The Lord said that it would be lifted up again after having a scourge placed on it and stuff, but that's why I'm here! It is to bring the people in the Land of Kirtland to Christ! It's so awesome! So many cool things have happened here and I'm honored to be here! We toured the temple and stood where Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, and many others have appeared and it was incredible. I was feeling pretty doubtful until I was in Kirtland and in the School of the Prophets,but I know I'm here for a reason :) I know I"ll receive help from so many too. 

After we toured Kirtland I met my companion!! Her name is Sister Reddish and she is from Pocatello! How exciting is that! It was a little tender mercy, I know it was. She is great! We are very similar! We both love "The Office" and we just get along so well! We are serving in the Youngstown East area. We are actually serving in PA instead of OH! I thought I would be serving in Ohio but nope! haha! Youngstown is the sketchiest area that sisters get to serve in and all these people we teach are crazy.. I LOVE IT!! They're all people my dad would represent! We are teaching two on date for baptism and there are lots of potentials and less actives we teach and so we stay busy usually. I'm getting more used to tracting and contacting. Finding people is scary,but I'm getting more used to it for sure. We were going to visit a lady who is in a halfway house in Sharon, PA and someone asked me to marry him. Of course, I politely declined. However, I was flattered. JK! He was old and gross and too many drugs and stuff but hey! It was funny! This area is pretty poverty stricken so mostly everything is run down, but I love the people. We have a few new investigators this week and I"m excited to meet with them more! 

Sunday was weird because church is so different here. So small. But it was still great to go! The best part of my week! My bishop's name is Bishop Carl. HE IS MICHAEL SCOTT!!!!!!!! I can't even get over how much like Michael Scott he is. He talks just like him and he is so awkward!! It makes me so happy!! The members here are really nice though! 

My shoes are doing good. I have blisters but I'll get used to the shoes and it will be better. They work just fine. We have a car but we try to walk a lot to not go over miles but we for sure will this month so... oh well. The first couple days here were SO HUMID and SO HOT but it's started to mellow out. It's nothing I can't handle.I went on exchanges yesterday with my trainer's trainer. Her name is Sister Jenkins. She's from Ogden and is so great! It was fun to go on exchanges!

I love this gospel! I know that this church was established by Jesus Christ and it was restored by Joseph Smith. He, through Jesus Christ, restored the priesthood to the earth. I'm so grateful that I get to share that with others. I love it here and I'm excited for more!


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